Activity description
The Kindergarten program includes two different kindergartens, the kindergarten of Xylokastro and of Derveni. The kindergartens host children in between 2-5 years old. The volunteers are expected to help in the everyday work of the kindergarten. The aims of the project are the introduction of new activities taken by the volunteers for the daily life of the children, the promotion, and contact of new cultures and the development of the artistic abilities of the children by helping the teachers in the kindergarten in their activities The main tasks of the volunteers are: • assisting the teachers, e.g. organize the classroom, prepare the teaching materials • supporting the learning process of the children • helping in the fine-art workshop, painting lessons and theatrical workshop • participating in outdoor activities based on the season and the teaching plan • helping the staff of the kindergarten with the everyday schedule • be active member of the team.
Accommodation, food, and transport arrangement
The volunteers will live all together in orfeasEVShome, a flat in the center of the town. • four bedrooms • living-room • kitchen • three bathrooms • four balconies, big rooftop The volunteers are responsible to keep the flat clean, set a cleaning schedule and follow it. Pocket and food compensation will be provided to the volunteer during the mission. One round-trip between France and Greece will be taken in charge.
Participant profile
We are looking for social and open-minded people who: • responsible, patient • creative • positive • interested to work with children • able to cooperate with the qualified staff of the kindergarten
Contacts :
04 86 97 64 99